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January 12, 2005



What about a picture of the Joker and the WSJ emblem written across it...the Wall Street Joker?

Or what about just a donkey?


What is the WSJ symbol?


The belt story needs correction: Russell gave the belt to JP momentarily after I gave JP a nike gym bag (becuase JP would never ever spend his own money on one regardless of the fact that he has been known to carry his running shoes in a plastic bag). Heavily intoxicated JP responded to both our gifts with a grunt and dissapeared to bed. The following day at lunch time, JP thanked me for the great presents I gave him, "especially the belt-- it's really cool". The point here being that no one should ever give JP a present when he's drunk. He will likely fail to remember who gave him the present, and you will also have to clearly explain that the dalmations and the hoses on the belt actually imply "bitches and ho's" before he'll get the gist of the gift. Ahhh JP, never change, you really do make life amusing.


For the record, J.P's skiier motif is still in the running for winner, but it has some tough competition with the 'morning after' belt and 'beer goggles'.

And I am adding 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' to our CK Bradley office Library. Good inspiration over here....

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