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February 10, 2005



Gary Becker is a brilliant mind, but beware of his viewpoint being skewed...he comes from a very particular school of thought, though while one of the great minds of our time(and I really meant that...Nobel Laureate and all) he definitely has a specific view given economic theory. He is not the end all be all when push come to suhove, but is certainly an invalubale critical thinker.


Gary Becker is a brilliant mind, but beware of his viewpoint being skewed...he comes from a very particular school of thought, though while one of the great minds of our time(and I really meant that...Nobel Laureate in '92 and all) he definitely has a specific view given economic theory. He is not the end all be all when push come to shove, but he is certainly an invalubale critical thinker. It is worth exploring many of his alternatives.

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