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February 08, 2005



Rush Limbaugh after school? That is funny to here as my afterschool activities consisted of bong hits and acid trips. Regardless, you make an excellent point as far as generalized arguments, which in this context are more or less regurgitated cold war propaganda. Truthfully nobody knows how well socialist ideas would work in our system, and the "communism doesn't work" argument fails to take into account the fact that nobody is suggesting the complete abandonment of capitalism, but merely melding the successful aspects of all economic theories into a system that is more beneficial to all. I have never and will never understand the idea of picking one side of an argument (here economic but it surfaces throughout daily life) and then holding true to that side just for the sake of picking a side. Why not learn from the opposite viewpoint, as we all know there are good points to both sides of an argument.


You are infinitely more badass than me Matt.

Communism doesn't work? Uhhh... is Capitalism?
hehehehe. Apparently not.

Communism doesn't work? Uhhh... is Capitalism?
hehehehe. Apparently not.

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