For those of you with an opinion on one side or the other of the gay marriage issue, I strongly suggest you read the recent posts on the Beck-Posner-Blog. While I think Posner can be somewhat insane at times, the recent posts have some pretty interesting thoughts on the issue as well as information about the trends internationally. All of this should seem particularly relevant as well with the impending confimation hearings of John Roberts Jr.
In terms of Roberts, I heard a particularly idiotic quote on NPR this morning about Roberts, something to the effect that because he is a brilliant legal mind he will be a great Supreme Court justice-- all I have to say to that is one thing: Antonin Scalia.
I believe my homeland just legalized gay marriage, only the 4th country in the world to do so. Interesting...
Posted by: DC_Cookie | July 21, 2005 at 03:28 PM