In college and high school people often refer to a phenomenon known as "senioritis". The phenomenon supposedly is manifested in the behavior by seniors in their particular institution no longer working and generally just acting differently than other students because they know they are months away from graduation.
I do not really think this applies to law school at all. However, I do sense that as a third year, you find yourself looking around law school with a different perspective on things that are unique to the fact that you are a "3L". I could make a laundry list, but here are a few that have occurred to me recently as things I can no longer tolerate and ask everyone not to do:
Those rolling briefcases: Seriously. You are ridiculous for owning one of these unless you are an older woman with back problems. No self respecting person uses one of these unless they have an absolutely tremendous amount of stuff to carry around and a complete and utter lack of self respect. If you have any pride at all you have been carrying around your requisite 50 pounds of casebooks and by third year you will enter the legal world with a back of steel that will allow you to eat marketing professionals for breakfast as they walk slowly in the airport under the weight of their palm pilots and croissants. Either that or you will develop a dull and uncomfortable constant pain and a slight addiction to the pain reliever Advil. Either way-- the rolling bag sucks.
Being openly competitive: First year is over striver. Nothing is worse than showing up in an elective class to over hear first semester second years who didn't make law review trying to overcompensate by announcing they plan to give everyone in class the snow job. Relax. First of all, most of us are in these electives because we have had the professors before and they know us and we know them. The whole reason we are there is because we have likely gotten a B from them before and we are hoping to get another B because we have to take something else that is hard or not interesting. No one is even slightly impressed with your bold faced ambition and unbeknown to you there are probably about 4 quiet guys sitting in the back of the class room who the rest of us know are on law review/are brilliant/etc. so do not bother shooting your mouth off. Instead, lose the attitude and just enjoy the class. You're finally in a elective where you can study something interesting without worrying about how other people in class are doing, so do not ruin it for me.
Complain about people in law school: OK, so I used to be as guilty of this as anyone, but that is sooo 2004 now. Also, I would like to think that my general complaints were about law school in general and it's competitive nature. Complaining about how it is like high school or how people gossip is about as bad as being the same way you were in high school or gossiping. Get used to the fact that people are like this everywhere. On top of the everything else, realize that you in fact are a law student. There are many types of people in law school who do in fact suck but open your eyes and recognize there is a diverse crowd of people here (including you) and they do not all suck.
Tell me not to make fun of people on Law Review: Even though Matt, plus a few casual acquaintances are on law review, this does not take away my GOD GIVEN RIGHT to mock them. I am not bitter that I didn't make it at this point, but keep in mind that making fun of law review is like making fun of rich people- it's perfectly OK. Part of being rich/being on law review is that you have certain perks in life that everyone else doesn't have, thus you have to bear the barbs of those who don't have these perks. Hopefully if you are on law review you are smart enough to understand how this isn't such a bad deal. Fascist.
Give me a hard time because I did something other than study this weekend: Yes, I realize we probably all have to spend a few weekends studying every once and a while-- and most likely should be doing more than that. However, do not under any circumstances try to make me feel guilty for doing something fun. Hopefully you have realized at this point that I handle my own affairs and I do not need you being a study snob to me because you do not have any friends and I decided I needed more than an 8 hour period off from reading.
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