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January 12, 2006


"However, I will admit that as break ended, there were moments I felt bored and even depressed."
Awesome. I'm going to re-evaluate myself now.


Sorry, forgot to post my name


I hear you man, in the past I would take like a 2 week vacation during the holidays, head to NY and do nothing but hang with old friends and mess around. Over the past few years, and especially this year, I became stir crazy after about 2 days, I am so used to never having free time that when I do my mind doesnt know how to react.


I like it the Bugatti (yes, I know this really doesn’t contribute much, but I’m at work, eating lunch, and SF is really slow and I got bored…)



Whats up? New here and just figured that I should post and say hello.

knight gold

I like it the Bugatti (yes, I know this really doesn’t contribute much, but I’m at work, eating lunch, and SF is really slow and I got bored…)

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