Going back to school after a break is always challenging. After a couple weeks of free time, the ability to unwind a little bit, and spend quality time with those important to you, you generally start to feel your mood improve and the crippling back knots in your back begin to soften. However, I will admit that as break ended, there were moments I felt bored and even depressed. Maybe it is just a case of falling into the routine of years of school and work, or maybe I just secretly have a type-A personality, but part of me misses the grind a little bit- or maybe just the challenge.
However, as I return to school this week, the hardest thing for me is to hit the ground running at full speed. The amount of stuff on my plate this semester is just out of control. Last semester was probably one of the most challenging I have faced so far, and frankly this semester seems prospectivelyat least as challenging. In the shower this morning I was feeling a pang of guilt run through me for not being productive this week so far, not attacking the tasks at hand with the sort of wild dog-attacking-raw-meat mentality I know I need. But then I realized, the truth is I have been working really hard, just not hard enough.
As I see it- it's a problem of acceleration. Much like a car, your brain often takes a certain amount of time to get up to speed. Unfortunately, I seem to be realizing my brain seems to be a diesel: extremely poor excelleration, but good towing capacity and fuel efficiency.
As you can see, the same situation applies to the quality of writing on this blog. I hope to do better as I get back into the swing of things.
"However, I will admit that as break ended, there were moments I felt bored and even depressed."
Awesome. I'm going to re-evaluate myself now.
Posted by: | January 12, 2006 at 01:12 PM
Sorry, forgot to post my name
Posted by: Wendy | January 12, 2006 at 01:29 PM
I hear you man, in the past I would take like a 2 week vacation during the holidays, head to NY and do nothing but hang with old friends and mess around. Over the past few years, and especially this year, I became stir crazy after about 2 days, I am so used to never having free time that when I do my mind doesnt know how to react.
Posted by: Matt | January 12, 2006 at 02:44 PM
I like it the Bugatti (yes, I know this really doesn’t contribute much, but I’m at work, eating lunch, and SF is really slow and I got bored…)
Posted by: Jon | May 24, 2006 at 12:41 PM
Whats up? New here and just figured that I should post and say hello.
Posted by: habeadvevesek | June 01, 2010 at 02:56 PM
I like it the Bugatti (yes, I know this really doesn’t contribute much, but I’m at work, eating lunch, and SF is really slow and I got bored…)
Posted by: knight gold | June 12, 2010 at 05:56 AM